Dinner Together
Jesus was accused of a lot of things he didn’t do. They called him a drunk. They said he was working for Satan. They said he was a blasphemer. These religious folks also accused him of partying. Out of all the accusations, that’s the one thing he actually did do. Jesus loved to hang out with people. He ate and drank with all kinds of folks. Religious people. Tax collectors. His disciples. Prostitutes. And if Jesus loved to hang out and eat dinner, shouldn’t we love that too?
God made us communal people. Humans don’t thrive in isolation. We are at our best when we are with each other. And churches are at their best when they bring all kinds of people together.
So we’re going to have people over at our place on Clay Street every other Wednesday night for dinner. No sermons. No Bible trivia. No Bible study. No gimmicks. Just people, food, and sometimes the Warriors on the TV in the background. Some will be potluck style. Some will have the whole dinner provided. The idea is simply this: we want to eat dinner and spend time with each other.
You don’t have to be an all in core team member to join us. Everyone is welcome. If you want to come hang out, or even bring some friends, just shoot me an email and RSVP. Every dinner will start at 6:00 and go till around 8:30.