Spring 2025

Spring 2025

Here’s what’s coming up for the Porch:

As you may already know (because we’ve been talking about it for weeks now) we’re excited to be reading the entire Bible together in 2025. Grab the PDF printout to stick in your Bible and follow along on the reading plan page of our website.

Jon will take the first Sunday of each month to preach on a passage from the reading plan, diving deeper into the text as part of our regular rhythm of Sunday gatherings.

This January, we’re are pausing our series in Acts to spend a few weeks learning about church membership, then in February we’ll jump back into our series in Acts with part three picking up in chapter 13.

We’re continuing our regular schedule of having dinner, study, and discussion together on Wednesday nights starting on January 8th. Our three ring binders with the PABST journals are available on the library table, and printed pages for How To Study The Good Book will be handed out each Wednesday. Check page six in the Sunday booklet for the most up-to-date Wednesday schedule.

After we finish our genre studies, you’ll never guess what we’ll be studying on Wednesday nights—yup, sections from the reading plan. We’re looking forward to deepening our understanding of these texts and are praying for the Spirit to be planting the goodness of the word in the hearts of our community this year.

12/15  |  Advent Gathering with Petra and Trinity First

12/15 | Advent Gathering with Petra and Trinity First

As part of our advent celebration, we will worship together with Petra and Trinity First on Sunday, December 15 at 4:00pm at DPC in the Mission. This time will replace our regular Sunday Gathering in North Beach.

11/20 | Friendsgiving

11/20 | Friendsgiving

Invite your friends and neighbors for a Friendsgiving Dinner on Wednesday, November 20 at the Brackett home. Sign up on Slack for what dish you’ll make and how many people you’re bringing.

11/3 | Sunday Picnic in the Park

11/3 | Sunday Picnic in the Park

Join us before the Sunday gathering at 1:30pm on November 3 for a BYOE picnic in Washington Square Park. We’ll keep the date loosely pending the weather forecast, but go ahead and put this on your calendar!

Fall 2024

Fall 2024

Here’s what’s coming up for the Porch:

This fall, we’re jumping back into our series in Acts picking up in chapter eight. Pull out your purple scripture notebook from where you’ve stuck it on your bookshelf for the past few months and start reading ahead. We also love the Bible Project videos for a quick refresher.

We’re continuing our regular schedule of having dinner, study, and discussion together on Wednesday nights starting on August 28th. Our three ring binders with the PABST journals are available on the library table, and printed pages for How To Study The Good Book will be handed out each Wednesday. Check page six in the Sunday booklet for the most up-to-date Wednesday schedule.

7/28 | No Sunday Gathering

7/28 | No Sunday Gathering

July 28th is the San Francisco Marathon. It’s a great event but it makes it almost impossible for folks to get to North Beach. Because of this, we are not meeting on Sunday afternoon and instead will meet the night before for our BBQ Rib Extravaganza.

7/27 | Saturday Night Gathering and BBQ Extravaganza

7/27 | Saturday Night Gathering and BBQ Extravaganza

Because of the San Francisco Marathon on Sunday July 28th, we are moving our normal gathering from Sunday afternoon to Saturday evening, July 27th at 5:30pm. We’ll do a shorter gathering and then we are having the best ribs of all time cooked by our buddy Dante. We always say that church is better with food and food is better when it’s ribs.

During the gathering, we are taking a week off our normal rhythm of hearing the word preached and the gospel proclaimed to have a discussion where folks can ask Pastor Jon questions. They can be questions about a Biblical text, theological idea, a question about life, or really anything you can think of. All questions are completely anonymous and we encourage everyone to bring up anything that’s been on your mind.

Questions can be submitted any time using the form below:

7/21 | Sunday Streets Excelsior with Trinity-First

7/21 | Sunday Streets Excelsior with Trinity-First

On Sunday, July 21st we won’t have our regular gathering in North Beach; instead we’ll be with our sister church Trinity-First at Sunday Streets from 11:00am-4:00pm.

Meet at the corner of Mission & Cotter; their booth will be near the north end of the street closure close to the Excelsior Library. Arrive at 10:30am to help set up; at 11:30am for their worship service; or at 12:30pm to hand out postcards and say hi to neighbors and help with face painting and glitter tattoos.

There is no designated area for parking near the event. If you need to drive, the city suggests parking at the Norton/Mission Lot. Taking Muni or BART is your best bet.

5/19 | Sunday Dinner

5/19 | Sunday Dinner

Join us after the Sunday gathering on May 19 for a build your own taco & burrito bar.

Spring-Summer 2024

Spring-Summer 2024

Here’s what’s coming up for the Porch:

After Easter, we’re taking a break from our series in Acts for a short series on intentional living and the things that form us into the people we are.

We’re continuing our regular schedule of having dinner, study, and discussion together on Wednesday nights. Copies of our three ring binders with the PABST journal are available on the library table, and printed pages for How To Study The Good Book will be handed out each Wednesday. Check page six in the Sunday booklet for the most up-to-date Wednesday schedule.

3/24-31  |  Holy Week

3/24-31 | Holy Week


PALM SUNDAy | March 24 | 4:00 pm | Porch

We will have our regular Sunday gathering on Union Street.


We will not meet for Wednesday night dinner this week.

MAUNDY THURSDAY | March 28 | 6:30 PM | Porch

We will be hosting the folks from Trinity First, Sanctuary, and Petra for dinner and a short lesson commemorating the Last Supper downstairs at the SFEFC building on Union Street.

GOOD FRIDAY | March 29 | 6:30 pm | Sanctuary Church

We’ll be with the same three churches again for a gathering where we remember the sacrifice of our Lord in our place. This liturgy will focus on the last seven sayings of Jesus from the cross.

EASTER Brunch | March 31 | Noon | Bracketts’ Home

We will have a potluck brunch at the Bracketts’ home in Nob Hill. Please RSVP on Slack.

EASTER SUNDAY | March 31 | 4:00 PM | Porch

For Easter, we will be back on Union Street in North Beach to celebrate the pinnacle of the church calendar year—the day our Lord was resurrected and defeated death!


2/14  |  Ash Wednesday

2/14 | Ash Wednesday

We will be gathering together with Trinity First for Ash Wednesday on February 14th at the Spanish Cultural Center at 6:30pm as we mark the beginning of the Lenten season.


2/11  |  Super Bowl Party

2/11 | Super Bowl Party

Join us for our annual Super Bowl party at the Bracketts’ home. We’ll have an early Sunday Gathering at the SFEFC building at 1:30pm. Invite friends to join us for the game at 3:00 (kickoff is at 3:30). Sign up to bring your favorite finger foods and football snacks to share on Slack.