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Spring 2025

Spring 2025

Here’s what’s coming up for the Porch:

As you may already know (because we’ve been talking about it for weeks now) we’re excited to be reading the entire Bible together in 2025. Grab the PDF printout to stick in your Bible and follow along on the reading plan page of our website.

Jon will take the first Sunday of each month to preach on a passage from the reading plan, diving deeper into the text as part of our regular rhythm of Sunday gatherings.

This January, we’re are pausing our series in Acts to spend a few weeks learning about church membership, then in February we’ll jump back into our series in Acts with part three picking up in chapter 13.

We’re continuing our regular schedule of having dinner, study, and discussion together on Wednesday nights starting on January 8th. Our three ring binders with the PABST journals are available on the library table, and printed pages for How To Study The Good Book will be handed out each Wednesday. Check page six in the Sunday booklet for the most up-to-date Wednesday schedule.

After we finish our genre studies, you’ll never guess what we’ll be studying on Wednesday nights—yup, sections from the reading plan. We’re looking forward to deepening our understanding of these texts and are praying for the Spirit to be planting the goodness of the word in the hearts of our community this year.

3/5  |  Ash Wednesday

3/5 | Ash Wednesday

We will be gathering together with our sister church Cross & Crown for Ash Wednesday on March 5th at 6:30pm as we mark the beginning of the Lenten season. We are hosting at the SFEFC building.