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Luke 24

Luke 24

Devotional #5 (Luke 24)

Step 1 | Watch

Watch the Bible Project video on Luke 24

Step 2 | Read

Read Luke 24.

Step 3 | Read

Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-49

Step 4 | Read

Question 50 from the New City Catechism. Read the Q&A, verse, and commentary.

Step 5 | Reflect

  • On the road to Emmaus, Jesus teaches his disciples about how the Old Testament pointed to him. How does it?

  • "Jesus has passed through death and come out the other side." How does that effect us?

Step 6 | Listen

“Christ the Lord is Risen Today” - NCC Worship

“All Things New” - Page CXVI

“Hallelujah Chorus” - Handel

Step 7 | PraY

You who are King of nations and King of saints, are also my God and King. For you have a universal empire, being one with the Father over all, blessed forever.

To you I bow the knee, and humbly and gratefully desire to put the crown of my salvation on your head.

And what has this Sovereign done for me? We record your praise; we tell it to saints and sinners everywhere. This great, glorious, condescending King, has not only brought us out of darkness and the shadow of death, but has brought us into his chambers.

What chambers? Chambers of sweet communion and fellowship. Chambers of grace, of love and mercy, of redemption, of ordinances, and of all your covenant blessings.

You have taught me of your love, and my privileges in you, and so assured me of my everlasting safety in you and your finished salvation.

You have assured me that when you have accomplished all your blessed purposes concerning me, you will bring me home into your inner chambers of light and glory. And I will never leave, but dwell in them, and in the presence of God and the Lamb, forever and ever. Hallelujah!

What a morning that will be, different from every other! Lord, how often do I now awake with thoughts of earth, and sin, and trifles, and vanity? How have I opened my eyes this morning? Was it, dearest Jesus, with thoughts of you?

In that solemn morning there will be no longer dreams, as now, even in our waking hours—for all childish fantasies, shadows, doubts, and fears will be done away.

Precious Lord Jesus! Cause me morning by morning, while upon earth, to awaken with sweet thoughts of you. Let the close of night, and the opening of the day, be with your dear name in my heart, on my thoughts, and on my lips.

And in that everlasting morning, after having dropped asleep in Jesus, and in your arms by faith, may I awake in your embraces, and after your likeness, to be everlastingly and eternally satisfied with you. Amen.

—Robert Hawker


Bonus Reading: Restoration of All Things (Booklet)
Amazon Kindle

Bonus Video: Bible Project - The Day of the Lord

Luke 19-23

Luke 19-23

Devotional #4 (Luke 19-23)

Step 1 | watch

Watch Bible Project Video on Luke 19-23

Step 2 | Read

Read Luke 19-23.

Step 3 | Read

Question 24 from the New City Catechism. Read the Q&A, verse, and commentary.

Step 4 | Reflect

  • Imagine reading this gospel for the first time without knowing the story. What would jump out at you here? Why?

  • How does Luke portray Jesus as the innocent one?

  • What do we learn about Jesus in these chapters?

  • Explain it to me like I've never heard of Christianity. Why did the king have to die?

Step 5 | Listen

“Death in His Grave” - John Mark McMillon

“O Sacred Head” - Page CXVI

“What Wondrous Love Is This” - Chelsea Moon with the Franz Brothers

Step 6 | Pray

What had you done, my Savior, that Judas betrayed you, and you were led, bound as a lamb to the slaughter? What evil did you commit, to be falsely accused and unjustly condemned? What was your offense? Whom did you ever wrong, to be scourged with whips, crowned with thorns, reviled, buffeted, and beaten? Oh Lord, how did you deserve to be spit upon, covered with shame? To have your garments parted and your hands and feet nailed to a cross? To be lifted upon the cursed tree, to be crucified among thieves? To endure such a sea of God’s wrath, that made you cry out, as if you had been forsaken by God your Father? To have your innocent heart pierced with a cruel spear, and your innocent blood spilled before your mother’s eyes? I can find no offense in you. The centurion who executed you confessed you to be the very Son of God. The thief that hung with you said you had done nothing wrong. So what caused this cruel disgrace, suffering, and death? Lord, I caused your sorrows. My sin brought about your shame, my failings your injuries. I committed the fault, and you are plagued for the offense. I am guilty, and you are charged. I sinned, and you suffered the death. You hung on the cross. Oh the deepness of God’s love, the wonder of his grace! Mercy without measure! What can I say? I was proud; you are humble. I was disobedient; you became obedient. I ate the forbidden fruit; you hung on the cursed tree. O Lord, let me never forget your infinite love. Amen.

—Lewis Bayly


Bonus Reading: Christ's Redemption (Booklet)
Amazon Kindle

Bonus Video: Bible Project - Sacrifice and Atonement

Luke 9-19

Luke 9-19


Step 1 | watch

Watch the Bible Project video on Luke 9-19

Step 2 | read

Read Luke 9-19

Step 3 | Read

Question 21 from the New City Catechism. Read the Q&A, verse, and commentary.

Step 4 | Reflect

  • What stands out about Jesus's behavior in these chapters? What does that say about his mission?

  • Look over all of Chapter 15 again. What do these parables tell us about the kingdom of God?

  • Look at Luke 18:9-14. What is the difference between these two?

“Amazing Grace” - Sing Team

“King of My Heart” - Sarah McMillion

Wilder Adkins took the tune to “What Wondrous Love” and rewrote the words to tell the prodigal son story.

Step 6 | Prayer

Help our witness Lord, we profess the faith, and yet care not for the dying. We profess, and yet long not for the coming of the day of God. We profess, and yet by our whole life show to them that can see how little a measure of it we have in our hearts. Lord, lead us more into the power of things. Then the virtues of him who has saved us, and called us out of darkness into his marvelous light, will be made known to others. Amen. —John Bunyan


Bonus Reading: Prodigal God by Timothy Keller. This short book by Tim Keller is the best simple retelling of the gospel that I have ever read. He does so using the prodigal son story from Luke 15. It's easily my favorite book.
Amazon Kindle

Bonus Video: Bible Project - Messiah

Luke 3-9

Luke 3-9

Devotional #2 (Luke 3-9)

Step 1 | Watch

Watch the Bible Project video on Luke 3-9

Step 2 | Read

Read Luke 3-9

Step 3 | Listen

“All The Poor and Powerless” - All Sons and Daughters

“How Deep the Father’s Love For Us” - Page CXVI

Step 4 | Read

Question 34 from the New City Catechism. Read the Q&A, verse, and commentary.

Step 5 | reflect

  • How was the message of King Jesus so radical?

  • Who are the "poor/outsiders" in our culture?

  • Do you think the church has lost its focus on the upside-down kingdom? If so, what can you do about it?

Step 6 | Pray

Prayer from the New City Catechism

Heavenly Father, you have saved us from sin. Let us not continue in it as if we were still enslaved to it. You have given us commands that are the path of life. Let us treasure those commands. May all who know us see our good works and glorify you because of them. Amen.


Bonus Reading: The Kingdom of God (Booklet)
Amazon Kindle

Bonus Video: Bible Project - Gospel of the Kingdom

Luke 1-2

Luke 1-2

Devotional #1 (Luke 1-2)

Step 1 | Watch

Watch the Bible Project video on Luke 1-2

Step 2 | Read

Read Luke 1-2

Step 3 | listen

"Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel!" - The Sing Team

“O Holy Night” - Ghost Ship

Let’s class this up a bit…

“For unto us a child is born” - Handel

Step 4 | READ

Question 22 from the New City Catechism. Read the Q&A, verse, and commentary.

Step 5 | reflect

  • Count the songs/psalms in Luke 1-2. What is it that these folks are celebrating?

  • What in these chapters is unexpected?

  • List a few things that God has done for you that were unexpected.

Step 6 | pray

Cleanse me, Emmanuel Dear Emmanuel, in whom alone, and by whom alone, all my hopes and confidences are founded: I fall down at your feet. As the prophet cried out, so I desire unceasingly to exclaim, “I am a man of unclean lips!” But if you cause the iniquity to be taken away, and my sin to be purged from me, I will be clean. For you are our New Testament altar. You are the Lord my righteousness. Precious Jesus, you are the Alpha and Omega. Even as the Father made you the glorious covenant head of your people in the beginning of his way, so be my all in all. My first and last. The Author and Finisher of my faith. Precious Lord! May I, like Paul, be able to say, “Not as though I had already attained”—because I long to catch up to and hold fast to you, Christ Jesus, even as you have caught up to and held fast to me. So come, Lord Jesus, to your bride, the church. Be the fountain of life to all your redeemed, until you bring your church below to join your church above, so they will dwell together in the light of your countenance, forever, amen.

—Robert Hawker


Bonus Reading: Q&A about the incarnation.

Bonus Reading: The First Days of Jesus (Amazon Kindle)

Bonus Video: Bible Project: Peace/Shalom