Bible Study Booklet

Bible Study Booklet

HTSTGB | Bible Study Guide

Click on the image below for the PDF of the Bible Study Booklet


C2: Tools of the Trade (Part 2)

C2: Tools of the Trade (Part 2)

C2: Tools of the Trade (Part 2) Commentaries

This lesson on commentary survey took 2 weeks…

B1: Our Biblical Text

B1: Our Biblical Text

B1: Our Biblical Text

This week we continue with some more theological ideas about what the Bible is and what it does in our lives.

A3: Inspiration, Inerrancy and Illumination

A3: Inspiration, Inerrancy and Illumination

A3: Inspiration, Inerrancy and Illumination

This week we continue with some more theological ideas about what the Bible is and what it does in our lives.

A2: Clarity, Authority and Sufficiency

A2: Clarity, Authority and Sufficiency

A2: Clarity, Authority and Sufficiency

This week - the video recording didn’t work. But here is the handout and the video we watched from Matt Chapman.



Here is a quick bonus video from Matt Chapman on why there are so many interpretations of the the Bible.


A1: Introduction to the How to Study the Good Book

A1: Introduction to the How to Study the Good Book

A1: Introduction to the How to Study the Good Book

This week we cover the need for scripture and the basics of how God reveals himself to us.