2023 Holiday Schedule

2023 Holiday Schedule

Make plans to join us this Advent and Christmas season. We’ll be meeting together with Trinity First, Petra, and other churches in the city for a few Sunday gatherings and mid-week events.

Sunday, December 3 | Advent Week 1 | Porch, Union Street | 4:00pm
Friday, December 9 | Christmas Party | Chris & Thao’s Home | RSVP required | 5:30pm
Sunday, December 10 | Advent Week 2 | Porch, Union Street | 4:00pm
Friday, December 15 | Lessons and Carols | St. James Pres, Vis Valley | 7:00pm
Sunday, December 17 | Advent Week 3 | Porch, Union Street | 4:00pm
Sunday, December 24 | Advent Week 4 | Trinity First, SCC | 10:30am
Sunday, December 31 | Sunday Gathering | Trinity First, SCC | 10:30am
Wednesday, January 3 | No Missional Family Dinner
Sunday, January 7 | Sunday Gathering | Porch, Union Street | 4:00pm

Fall 2023

Fall 2023

Here’s what’s coming up for the Porch:

After we finish our Ezekiel series in October, we’ll be diving into part one of the Book of Acts. We’ve ordered scripture notebooks, so go ahead and pick one up on Sunday and start reading ahead. We recommend the Bible Project videos as a useful tool as you get started with this book too.

We’re also back into a rhythm of having a study and discussion together on Wednesday nights. Copies of our three ring binders with the PABST journal are available on the library table and printed pages for How To Study The Good Book will be handed out each Wednesday. Check page six in the Sunday booklet for the most up-to-date Wednesday schedule.

11/1 | Friendsgiving

11/1 | Friendsgiving

Invite your friends for an early Friendsgiving Dinner on Wednesday, November 1 at the Brackett home. Sign up on Slack for what dish you’ll make and how many people you’re bringing.

10/8 | Throwback Sunday

10/8 | Throwback Sunday

On October 8, our liturgy will be a little different than usual. We’ll be singing all of our favorite throwback church-camp jams and launching the first part of our study of the book of Acts. This Sunday is also the Italian Heritage parade and festival as well as the Fleet Week Airshow, so plan ahead to come to North Beach early!

4/2-9  |  Holy Week

4/2-9 | Holy Week


PALM SUNDAy | APRIL 2 | 4:00 pm | Porch

We will have our regular Sunday gathering on Union Street.


We will not meet for Wednesday night dinner this week.


We will be hosting the folks from Trinity SF, Sanctuary, and First Presbyterian Church for dinner and a short lesson commemorating the Last Supper downstairs at the SFEFC building on Union Street.

GOOD FRIDAY | APRIL 7 | 6:30 pm | Sanctuary Church

We’ll be with the same three churches again for a gathering where we remember the sacrifice of our Lord in our place. This liturgy will focus on the last seven sayings of Jesus from the cross.

EASTER Brunch | APRIL 9 | 11:00 AM | Bracketts’ Home

We will have a potluck brunch at the Bracketts’ home in Nob Hill. Please RSVP on Slack.

EASTER SUNDAY | APRIL 9 | 4:00 PM | Porch

For Easter, we will be back on Union Street in North Beach to celebrate the pinnacle of the church calendar year—the day our Lord was resurrected and defeated death!


2/22  |  Ash Wednesday

2/22 | Ash Wednesday

We will be gathering together with Trinity and First Presbyterian for Ash Wednesday on February 22nd at 6:30pm as we mark the beginning of the Lenten season. We are hosting at the SFEFC building.

Spring 2023

Spring 2023

A couple of things to start planning for as we anticipate the beginning of 2023:

After we finish our Luke series in February, we’ll be diving in to Ezekiel. We’ve ordered scripture notebooks, so go ahead and pick one up on Sunday and start reading ahead. We recommend the Bible Project videos as a useful tool as you get started with this book too.

Icons from Ezekiel on notebook paper

We’re also getting back into a rhythm of having a study and discussion together every other Wednesday night. Hard copies of Why There Is No God are on the Library Table at the back of the auditorium on Sunday morning, or you can buy your own if you prefer to use an e-reader or audiobook.

Why there is no God in speech bubbles above two people

2/12  |  Super Bowl Party

2/12 | Super Bowl Party

Join us for our annual Super Bowl party at the Bracketts’ home. We’ll gather at 2:00pm for an introduction to Ezekiel. Invite friends to join us for the game at 3:00 (kickoff is at 3:30). This means we won’t be meeting at Union Street at 4:00. Sign up to bring your favorite finger foods and football snacks to share on Slack.

2022 Holiday Schedule

2022 Holiday Schedule

Make plans to join us for Advent and Christmas together with Trinity and First Presbyterian. We’ll be meeting together for a few Sunday gatherings and mid-week events.

Sunday, November 27 | Advent Week 1 | Porch, Powell Street | 10:30am
Sunday, December 4 | Advent Week 2 | Porch, Powell Street | 10:30am
Wednesday, December 7 | No Missional Family Dinner
Friday, December 9 | Christmas Party | Chris & Thao’s Home | 7:00pm
Sunday, December 11 | Advent Week 3 | Porch, Powell Street | 10:30am
Tuesday, December 13 | Christmas Caroling | Excelsior Neighborhood | 7:30pm
Wednesday, December 14 | No Missional Family Dinner
Friday, December 16 | Lessons and Carols | First Pres, DPC | 7:00pm
Sunday, December 18 | Advent Week 4 | Trinity, IASC | 10:30am
Sunday, December 25 | Christmas Day | First Pres, DPC | 4:00pm
Wednesday, December 28 | No Missional Family Dinner
Sunday, January 1 | New Year’s Day | First Pres, DPC | 4:00pm
Sunday, January 8 | First Sunday at New Time & Location | Porch, Union Street | 4:00pm

12/31  |  New Year's Eve Party

12/31 | New Year's Eve Party

Join us for our annual New Year’s Eve party at the Bracketts’ home. From 8:00pm until after fireworks, we’ll have games, food, drinks, and a general good time. Sign up to bring something to share on slack. It’s the best view of fireworks over the bay that money can’t buy!

12/16  |  Lessons and Carols

12/16 | Lessons and Carols

As part of our holiday events with Trinity and First Pres, join us on Friday, December 16 at 7:00pm at DPC for a Lessons and Carols gathering. This advent tradition has been observed since the late 19th century, most notably at King’s College, Cambridge, wherein the gospel story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus is told in nine short Bible readings interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols and hymns.

12/15  |  Thursday Night Football

12/15 | Thursday Night Football

As part of our fall and winter events with Trinity and First Pres, make plans to join us on Thursday, December 15 at 5:00pm at the Bracketts’ home in Nob Hill to watch the Niners play. RSVP so we know how much Za to order!

12/9  |  Christmas Party

12/9 | Christmas Party

As part of our holiday events with Trinity and First Pres, make plans to join us on Friday, December 9 at 7:00pm at the Robins’ home in Pacific Heights/Laurel Heights. The link to RSVP and optionally bring a side or dessert to go with dinner is in our Slack. Festive attire is encouraged!

12/2  |  Family Builders Gift Drive

12/2 | Family Builders Gift Drive

Here at the Porch we believe that one of the best ways that the church can show the love of Jesus to the world is through foster care and adoption. Even if you aren’t a foster parent yourself, there are lots of ways to help foster families take care of these little ones.

Family Builders is the agency that Jon and Melissa are a part of as foster parents. Every year at Christmas, they do a gift drive where people can buy presents for foster kids. This year, our church is going to jump on board.

Here is the link to participate. Happy Shopping and thanks for pitching in.

Instructions from Family Builders: Each year we call upon our community to help make the Holidays a little brighter for the children and youth in foster care that Family Builders serves. Thank you for your generosity by giving a gift to a child who might not otherwise have one. We would like to have gifts in hand, at the Family Builders office, by December 2nd so we have time to distribute them to the children. You will find a child ID on most items. Please label any gifts that are mailed or dropped off with this ID. You may mail or drop off gift cards. Our address is 1900 Embarcadero Suite 303 Oakland, CA 94606. If sending from an online store and there is an option to send a note, please include the child ID number on the note. This will help us immensely in the sorting process. Also indicate in your shipping instructions that this is a business address so it will be delivered before 5:00pm. If you prefer to purchase any of the gifts from a different retailer, please ensure that it is the same item and in the correct size if applicable. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ahwilliams@familybuilders.org. Thank you again for your generosity in making the holidays special for each and every child!