2/12  |  Super Bowl Party

2/12 | Super Bowl Party

Join us for our annual Super Bowl party at the Bracketts’ home. We’ll gather at 2:00pm for an introduction to Ezekiel. Invite friends to join us for the game at 3:00 (kickoff is at 3:30). This means we won’t be meeting at Union Street at 4:00. Sign up to bring your favorite finger foods and football snacks to share on Slack.

2022 Holiday Schedule

2022 Holiday Schedule

Make plans to join us for Advent and Christmas together with Trinity and First Presbyterian. We’ll be meeting together for a few Sunday gatherings and mid-week events.

Sunday, November 27 | Advent Week 1 | Porch, Powell Street | 10:30am
Sunday, December 4 | Advent Week 2 | Porch, Powell Street | 10:30am
Wednesday, December 7 | No Missional Family Dinner
Friday, December 9 | Christmas Party | Chris & Thao’s Home | 7:00pm
Sunday, December 11 | Advent Week 3 | Porch, Powell Street | 10:30am
Tuesday, December 13 | Christmas Caroling | Excelsior Neighborhood | 7:30pm
Wednesday, December 14 | No Missional Family Dinner
Friday, December 16 | Lessons and Carols | First Pres, DPC | 7:00pm
Sunday, December 18 | Advent Week 4 | Trinity, IASC | 10:30am
Sunday, December 25 | Christmas Day | First Pres, DPC | 4:00pm
Wednesday, December 28 | No Missional Family Dinner
Sunday, January 1 | New Year’s Day | First Pres, DPC | 4:00pm
Sunday, January 8 | First Sunday at New Time & Location | Porch, Union Street | 4:00pm

12/31  |  New Year's Eve Party

12/31 | New Year's Eve Party

Join us for our annual New Year’s Eve party at the Bracketts’ home. From 8:00pm until after fireworks, we’ll have games, food, drinks, and a general good time. Sign up to bring something to share on slack. It’s the best view of fireworks over the bay that money can’t buy!

12/16  |  Lessons and Carols

12/16 | Lessons and Carols

As part of our holiday events with Trinity and First Pres, join us on Friday, December 16 at 7:00pm at DPC for a Lessons and Carols gathering. This advent tradition has been observed since the late 19th century, most notably at King’s College, Cambridge, wherein the gospel story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus is told in nine short Bible readings interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols and hymns.

12/15  |  Thursday Night Football

12/15 | Thursday Night Football

As part of our fall and winter events with Trinity and First Pres, make plans to join us on Thursday, December 15 at 5:00pm at the Bracketts’ home in Nob Hill to watch the Niners play. RSVP so we know how much Za to order!

12/9  |  Christmas Party

12/9 | Christmas Party

As part of our holiday events with Trinity and First Pres, make plans to join us on Friday, December 9 at 7:00pm at the Robins’ home in Pacific Heights/Laurel Heights. The link to RSVP and optionally bring a side or dessert to go with dinner is in our Slack. Festive attire is encouraged!

12/2  |  Family Builders Gift Drive

12/2 | Family Builders Gift Drive

Here at the Porch we believe that one of the best ways that the church can show the love of Jesus to the world is through foster care and adoption. Even if you aren’t a foster parent yourself, there are lots of ways to help foster families take care of these little ones.

Family Builders is the agency that Jon and Melissa are a part of as foster parents. Every year at Christmas, they do a gift drive where people can buy presents for foster kids. This year, our church is going to jump on board.

Here is the link to participate. Happy Shopping and thanks for pitching in.

Instructions from Family Builders: Each year we call upon our community to help make the Holidays a little brighter for the children and youth in foster care that Family Builders serves. Thank you for your generosity by giving a gift to a child who might not otherwise have one. We would like to have gifts in hand, at the Family Builders office, by December 2nd so we have time to distribute them to the children. You will find a child ID on most items. Please label any gifts that are mailed or dropped off with this ID. You may mail or drop off gift cards. Our address is 1900 Embarcadero Suite 303 Oakland, CA 94606. If sending from an online store and there is an option to send a note, please include the child ID number on the note. This will help us immensely in the sorting process. Also indicate in your shipping instructions that this is a business address so it will be delivered before 5:00pm. If you prefer to purchase any of the gifts from a different retailer, please ensure that it is the same item and in the correct size if applicable. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ahwilliams@familybuilders.org. Thank you again for your generosity in making the holidays special for each and every child!

11/18  |  Fall 2022 Game Nights

11/18 | Fall 2022 Game Nights

As part of our Fall events with Trinity and First Pres, make plans to join us on Friday, October 21 and Friday, November 18 at 7:00pm at Delores Park Church for game night. Bring Your Own Burrito; sodas and a selection of board games will be provided. If you have a favorite you want to teach and play, bring it too. Otherwise, come with your game face on and dice rolling wrist warmed up.

11/16  |  Friendsgiving

11/16 | Friendsgiving

As part of our Fall events with Trinity and First Pres, join us on Wednesday, November 16 at 6:00pm at the Bracketts’ home in Nob Hill for our annual Friendsgiving dinner. Please RSVP in slack so we know how much turkey to roast and let us know what sides you’re bringing.

11/13 | Q&A During Our Sunday Gathering

11/13 | Q&A During Our Sunday Gathering

Q&A on November 13

On Sunday November 13th, we are doing a Q&A in our Sunday gathering.

Normally, we take a chunk of our time together each week to hear the word preached and the gospel proclaimed. We have been working through the book of Luke for two and a half years now, and it’s been great, but it’s also a one way conversation. So about once a year, we take a week to have a discussion where folks can ask Pastor Jon questions. They can be questions about a Biblical text, theological idea, a question about life, or really anything you can think of. All questions are completely anonymous and you are really encouraged to bring up anything that’s been on your mind.

Questions can be submitted anytime using the form below:

2022 Holy Week Schedule

2022 Holy Week Schedule

In John 17, Jesus spends some time right before he is arrested praying. This chapter is one of the most amazing parts in all of scripture.

“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:20–21

In praying for his people, Jesus prayed that we would be a people of unity. Look at how he builds the idea: At the bottom, Jesus and the Father are united. Above that, he prays that we would have that same kind of unity among the people of God. At the top—and this is amazing part—he says that this kind of unity will display to the world the truth of the gospel. 

Our world is fractured and broken. People don’t get along. Our sinful hearts push people who aren’t like us away. Sadly, that’s the normal pattern in our world and this pattern has played out over and over throughout history.

It’s into this darkness that the unity of the church can be a bright light. The people of God are called to stand out by being a diverse group of weirdos who love each other. We are a people united to Christ, and so we are united to one another.

In an effort to live into this truth, we are partnering with a few other churches in the city for Holy Week 2022. We invite you to not only come together and celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ our Lord, but to come together and join arms with a few other churches who also love the Lord and who are committed to San Francisco: First Presbyterian Church, Sanctuary Church, and Trinity Church.

— Pastor Jon


Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday. April 10 @ DPC. 5:00 PM

We will be joining First Presbyterian Church in the evening at their location for a traditional Palm Sunday gathering.

Wednesday, April 13

We will not meet for our regular Wednesday night dinner this week.

Maundy Thursday. April 14 @ Grace Fellowship. 6:30 PM

We will be meeting with the folks from Trinity SF, Sanctuary, and First Presbyterian Church for Christ in the Passover: A Seder, a meal where Rich Robinson from Jews for Jesus will be leading and teaching us. RSVP required.

Good Friday. April 15 @ Italian American Social Club. 6:30 PM

We’ll be with the same three churches again for a gathering where we remember the sacrifice of our Lord in our place. This service will focus on the last seven sayings of Jesus from the cross.

Easter Sunday. April 17 @ The Porch. 10:30 AM

For Easter, we will be back on Powell in North Beach to celebrate the pinnacle of the church calendar year—the day our Lord was resurrected and defeated death!




Italian American Social Club

25 Russia Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112



2021 Holiday Schedule

2021 Holiday Schedule

Hey Everyone. We took the holiday schedule survey the last few weeks to see who was in town and whatnot so that we can plan the next month and a half for our little church. Here is the schedule that we came up with. We’ll be taking off two Sundays in December and a few Wednesday night dinners.

November 24 - No Wednesday Dinner
December 5 - No Sunday Gathering
December 12 - Prayer Walk (Sunday morning)
December 19 - Christmas Sunday Gathering
December 26 - No Sunday Gathering
December 29 - No Wednesday Dinner

Family Builders Gift Drive

Family Builders Gift Drive

Here at the Porch we believe that one of the best ways that the church can show the love of Jesus to the world is through foster care and adoption. Even if you aren’t a foster parent yourself, there are lots of ways to help foster families take care of these little ones.

Family Builders is the agency that Jon and Melissa are a part of as foster parents. Every year at Christmas, they do a gift drive where people can buy presents for foster kids. This year, our church is going to jump on board.

Here is the link to participate. Happy Shopping and thanks for pitching in.

Instructions from Family Builders: IMPORTANT: Each year we call upon our community to help make the Holidays a little brighter for the children and youth in foster care that Family Builders serves. Below you will find requested items that you can sign up to purchase. You will find on most items a child ID. All gifts must be mailed or delivered to Family Builders by DECEMBER 3RD. Our Shipping address is 1900 Embarcadero Suite 303 Oakland, CA 94606. When possible, please label any gifts that are mailed or dropped off with this ID. If you are having the gift shipped from a supplier and there is an option to send a note, please include this child ID on the note. This will help us immensely in the sorting process. If you would prefer to purchase any of the below gifts from a different retailer, that is fine. Please ensure that it is the SAME ITEM and in the correct size if applicable. Thank you again for your support!

Sunday Gathering Fall Launch

Sunday Gathering Fall Launch

I just wanted to remind you all about our Sunday plans. Last week, we finished our Summer Sessions. We had a really great summer being back in person and talking about gospel basics. Starting this week at 10:30AM, we are going back to a more normal Sunday gathering. I’m very excited to be together with you all and get back into the book of Luke (don’t forget your Luke booklet if you still have it).

Before we meet together this week, I’d like you to spend a bit of time and think about how lucky we are to gather as the people of God. We aren’t just a group of friends getting together around a common interest. Something deeper happens when we gather as the church. Mike Cosper has a great little blurb:

“Theologian Jeremy Begbie calls the church gathering an ‘echo from the future,’ a foretaste of something we’ll see come to fruition when Christ returns and all things are made new, a not-yet life that we taste in part already. Today, we gather in exile, in the world but not of it, but one day the exile will end. God will rebuild creation, and not one corner of it will be stained by sin and rebellion. Until then, we have these momentary and imperfect glimpses and foretastes as we gather, hear the Word, and respond together. As flawed and imperfect as these gatherings are, they’re the most truthful moment of our week, an outpost of the kingdom of God, and a foretaste of eternity.”

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday morning for “a foretaste of eternity.”

—Pastor Jon

Summer Sessions: Everything You Need to Know

Summer Sessions: Everything You Need to Know

We’re resuming in-person Sunday gatherings and are so looking forward to being together again! As Jon shared in the last update, these gatherings will be more informal than our regular liturgy: a relaxed hour of worship and collaborative learning, spending time together and growing as disciples of Jesus.

Sundays, June 13–September 5 at 10:30am, at the American Legion Hall at 1524 Powell Street, San Francisco.

As San Francisco moves into the new phase of reopening, we are continuing to operate within the official guidelines of the updated Safer Return Together health order effective June 15th. Most notably this means:

  • Everyone, regardless of vaccination status, is required to remain masked for the entire time we are indoors together.

  • All available windows and doors will be open to improve ventilation and promote air circulation.

  • Sanitizer will be readily available for use after you have contact with high-touch surfaces.

  • If you are ill, please stay home and get tested for COVID-19.

We strongly urge everyone twelve years and older to get vaccinated as soon as you can if you have not already done so. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kala at admin@porchsf.com.